Kansas City magazine’s annual Top Doctors list (see it here) is compiled by our partners at Castle Connolly, a trusted national health care research and information company.
Castle Connolly was founded in 1991 by a former medical college board chairman and president to help guide consumers to America’s top doctors under the direction of an M.D. The firm works with hundreds of thousands of physicians as well as academic medical centers, specialty hospitals and regional and community hospitals all across the nation. Castle Connolly’s physician-led team of researchers follows a rigorous screening process to select top doctors on both the national and regional levels.
Its online nominations process (castleconnolly.com/nominations) is open to all licensed physicians in America who are able to nominate physicians in any medical specialty and in any part of the country, as well as indicate whether the nominated physicians is, in their opinion, among the best in their region in their medical specialty or among the best in the nation in their medical specialty. Careful screening of doctors’ educational and professional experience is essential before final selection is made among those physicians most highly regarded by their peers. Doctors do not and cannot pay to be selected and profiled as Castle Connolly Top Doctors.
For more questions please reach out to us at editor at kansascitymag.com.
To see the list click here.
Why don’t I see my amazing doctor’s name on this list?
If your physician is not on the list, it doesn’t mean he or she isn’t providing good medical care. Your doctor may practice in a large hospital, which means he or she might not be part of a large referral network. Also, if your doctor works at a smaller medical facility or is young, he or she might not be as well-known yet.
What if I don’t like a Top Doctor on the list?
We recommend that you use your own personal judgement when finding medical care. If you don’t like a doctor or feel uncomfortable despite his or her credentials, seek out another medical professional.
Did these doctors just buy their way onto this list?
No. All the Top Doctors are peer-nominated and have earned their place on this list.