Famed local chef Jonathan Justus has plans to make his hometown a restaurant destination

Gizmos Tavern is scheduled to open in Smithville mid-July, in the remodeled Humphrey’s Bar & Grill space. “We’ll have burgers with a little bit of flair – using a proprietary blend from a local farm with sirloin, brisket, chuck and bacon,” says Dustin Racen, partner in Gizmos Tavern (111 N. Bridge St.) with Kyle Squires.… Continue reading Famed local chef Jonathan Justus has plans to make his hometown a restaurant destination

Celebrating Alvin Brooks’ Legacy

The premier of Oscar-winning filmmaker and KU professor Kevin Willmott’s film “The Heroic True-Life Adventures of Alvin Brooks” was a red carpet celebration. Along with Willmott, Alvin Brooks and others made appearances at the Northland’s Screenland Armour Theatre for the film’s premiere. Willmott’s documentary based on the life of local civil rights icon Alvin Brooks… Continue reading Celebrating Alvin Brooks’ Legacy

Missouri’s first feature film to take advantage of the state’s revived Show MO Act film credit is underway

Director Chase Elliott on the set of the short film At Niangua’s End. Photography provided.

At one point, Missouri was a “film state,” says Chase Elliot, a director who is trying to revive the state’s filmmaking industry. His current feature film project is the first to take advantage of a newly reinstated Missouri film credit program. “We’re the guinea pigs,” he says. Last year, Governor Mike Parsons renewed the Show… Continue reading Missouri’s first feature film to take advantage of the state’s revived Show MO Act film credit is underway

Lawn Party

Photography Provided.

Before temperatures really start to rise, pack a picnic and head to one of Kansas City’s iconic lawns to have a picnic party. KC is filled with shady outdoor spaces perfect for a summer afternoon, whether it’s the Nelson-Atkins lawn with its iconic shuttlecock or Loose Park’s rolling green expanse. If you want a DIY… Continue reading Lawn Party

Clothing And Shoe Brand Nida Lu Uses Ancient Turkish Techniques And Traditional Uzbekistan Styles

Photography by Shawn Brackbill.

Clothing and shoe designer Courtney Vardar uses 700-year-old shoe-making techniques and one-of-a-kind vintage textiles to create her inspired pieces for brand Nida Lu. While on a backpacking trip in Turkey nearly two decades ago, the Lawrence-based designer met her now-husband, and soon the couple began traveling the world together. The many places and cultures they… Continue reading Clothing And Shoe Brand Nida Lu Uses Ancient Turkish Techniques And Traditional Uzbekistan Styles