Around Town

What’s going on in Kansas City? Check out the most recent photos from various events happening around town.

Jazzoo – 6/24

The 18th Street Fashion Show – 6/24

The West 18th Street Fashion Show takes place each June and recently celebrated over two decades since it started. It has received international acclaim for its celebration of experimentation and creativity in fashion design. The theme of this year’s fashion show was “Summer in Slumberland” and the event was a pure visual delight with hypnotic music to compliment the models down the runway.
Next year will be the 25th anniversary of the West 18th Street Fashion Show and the Creative Director is hinting that they will be taking the production of the fashion show to a whole new level so it should be a uniquely exquisite artistic event not to be missed.

Photos by Josie Kern

Boulevardia – 6/24

Breakaway ’24

Premiere Party | The Heroic True-Life Adventures of Alvin Brooks

Oscar-winning filmmaker Kevin Willmott debuts his new documentary: The Heroic True-Life Adventures of Alvin Brooks

The documentary is based on the life of local civil rights icon Alvin Brooks and showcased at the second annual Juneteenth Film Festival at Screenland Armour in North Kansas City.