Local distillery adapts to coronavirus pandemic by making artisan hand sanitizer

A Kansas City distillery is adapting to the coronavirus pandemic by making artisanal hand sanitizer. J. Rieger and Co. Distillery in the East Bottoms will soon begin producing Rieger’s Remedy, a hand sanitizer the distillery will begin manufacturing onsite. “We just ordered the ingredients that we need to make it all here so that it’s… Continue reading Local distillery adapts to coronavirus pandemic by making artisan hand sanitizer

‘Have a thermometer’ and watch for fevers above 100.5 on coronavirus, says Kansas Health Secretary

Information on the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 is still in short supply, with researchers working hard to determine how it spreads and what causes varied symptoms like gastrointestinal distress and repository problems. Tests for the virus are still not widely available, but one thing that seems to unite all known cases is a fever,… Continue reading ‘Have a thermometer’ and watch for fevers above 100.5 on coronavirus, says Kansas Health Secretary

New study finds digestive problems are ‘prominent symptom’ in coronavirus before respiratory problems emerge

As the world wraps its head around the coronavirus pandemic, most of the discussion about the novel version of the virus, dubbed COVID, has focused on patients with breathing problems. But a new study from the disease’s epicenter in the central China city of Wuhan finds that digestive symptoms are common as the “chief complaint”… Continue reading New study finds digestive problems are ‘prominent symptom’ in coronavirus before respiratory problems emerge