This shop bought ‘99%’ of the Beaujolais Nouveau coming to KC—and will party at midnight

Underdog Wine Company in Brookside hasn’t held a public tasting since February 2020, before the pandemic. That ends this week on Beaujolais Nouveau Day, and Underdog is going big.

In France, winemakers have to wait until the third Thursday in November to release any wine from that year’s harvest. The first wines to market are Gamay from the Beaujolais region and in France the release of the first wines—which are not especially complex, but do have their charms—is a little like Oktoberfest in Germany.

The custom of throwing a release party has taken root in West Coast wine regions where French restaurants often throw parties and tastings. Now, the custom is coming to KC thanks to Underdog.

“It’s our first time doing it but have always wanted to,” says the shop. “This year, with supply chain issues, has limited the number of Nouveau that will be available in KC.”

They say there is some confusion, as some have heard “there won’t be any Nouveau this year.”

“We locked down two small producers & bought 99 percent of what they sent to the market,” they say. “Seemed like a good time for a party!”

That part will be held at 12:01 Thursday—also known as very late Wednesday night—at the Crestwood shops location. They’re pouring from two small producers, Domaine Descroix and Manoir du Carra, which will arrive on Wednesday. Tickets are $5 here.

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